If you take #BrainHealth seriously you need to focus on diet. Do you buy into 'you are what you eat' ? This ambitious systematic literature review has identified 10 foods and 7 nutrients with evidence for causal cardio-metabolic effects. Any intervention that reduces your vascular risk burden should reduce all-cause dementia and improve your Brain Health. The foods that were found to have protective effects : fruits vegetables beans/legumes nuts/seeds whole grains fish yogurt fibre seafood omega-3s polyunsaturated fats potassium The food found to have harmful effects: unprocessed red meats processed meats sugar-sweetened beverages glycemic load (sugar or carbohydrates) trans-fats sodium/salt. There is nothing new here and most of this should be obvious to you and is currently included in mots dietary guidelines. The elephant in the room is economics; in modern economies people eat what they can afford. Modifying ...